Artistic direction | Choreography: Emi Miyoshi
Dance: Emi Miyoshi | Unita Gay Galiluyo | Lisa Klingelhöfer | Alice Gartenschläger | Aly Khamees | TingAn Ying
Video installation | Photo: Marc Doradzillo
Dramaturgy: Monica Gillette
Costume: Mai Shirato - MONOCOTO creation
Light: Natalie Stark
Production assistant: Katharina de Andrade Ruiz
Choreographic assistance: Belinda Winkelmann
In cooperation with E-WERK Freiburg
With the kind support of the Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theatererschaffende Baden-Württemberg eV with funds from the Ministry for Science, Research and Art of the State of Baden-Württemberg, the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Foundation and Taipei Artist Village / Taiwan.
PRESS: Kulturjoker
02/08/2020 | 8 p.m.
Further performances
02/09 | 7 p.m. (audience discussion after the performance)
02/13 || 02/14 || 02/15 | 8 p.m.
Admission & advance sales
BZ card service, Kaiser-Joseph-Str. 229, Tel. 0761 496 8888 and
MORNING FLOWER is the first part of a trilogy by the Freiburg dancer and choreographer Emi Miyoshi, based on verses and commentaries by the Japanese poet Shuntaro Tanigawa. Inspired by his “Morning Relay”, the daily morning ritual in different cultures and generations forms the common thread that connects the three interdisciplinary dance pieces. Tanigawa's poem transforms moments of loneliness into moments of secure belonging by turning the collective experience of the morning into an invisible bond of connection between people - comparable to a relay race. Against the background of the aging population and increasing loneliness of the elderly in some highly industrialized countries, Emi Miyoshi and the video artist and photographer Marc Doradzillo conducted interviews, dance workshops, photo and video shootings as part of a research trip through Japan and Taiwan, in order to highlight the morning rituals of the local people Capture residents. Scenes, words and emotions from these encounters are translated into the movement language of the six international dancers. In MORNING FLOWER, Emi Miyoshi concentrates on the sources of strength that we greet anew every day and asks about the type and depth of roots that are needed to survive. In this way, the multimedia dance performance invites the audience to think about the “togetherness”.